Percival Cunanan

Percival Cunanan

Registered Nurse & Laser Technician


Mr. Percival Cunanan is a skilled healthcare professional with a diverse background, serving as a Registered Nurse, and Laser Technician. With a commitment to providing quality care and utilizing advanced technologies, Mr. Cunanan has made significant contributions to his practice.

Mr. Cunanan specializes in various healthcare roles, ensuring a holistic approach to patient care. His professional designations include:

– DHA Registered Nurse: Licensed and registered under the Dubai Health Authority, ensuring adherence to professional standards in nursing.

  • DHA Laser Technician: Specializing in the application of lasers for hair reduction and other dermatological procedures for males.

Mr. Percival Cunanan brings a wealth of experience, with 10 years of dedicated service in the healthcare industry. His multifaceted skills as a Registered Nurse, Laser Technician, and Dental Assistant underscore his versatility and commitment to patient well-being.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Hair Reduction Using Lasers and IPL Devices:Proficient in utilizing advanced technologies to provide effective and safe hair reduction treatments for men.
  • Beard Shaping


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